Dhanusha Project

Promoting Quality of Education for Girls and Marginalised Children in Terai

Phase I

With a view to promoting enrolment of out of school children in school, quality of education and school education governance in community schools in Dhanusha district of Nepal, Education Journalists' Group (EJG) in coordination with Confederation of Nepalese Teachers (CNT), Community School Management Committee Federation, Nepal (SMC Federation) and National Campaign for Education (NCE-N) launched the project 'Promoting Quality of Education for Girls and Marginalised Children in Terai' with financial support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kathmandu. The 18-month long project was launched from April 2015 to September 2016, according to the contract between the EJG and the Norwegian Embassy. The goal of the project was to improve access and quality of education for girls and marginalized children in Terai.

Specific purposes of the project were: (1) to promote quality of education for girls and marginalized children in Dhanusha, (2) to increase access and community participation in school education and (3) to help institutionalize good governance system in selected public education sector/community schools. As the working area of the project 20 schools south of the east-west highway in Dhanusha district had been selected. The project aimed to enroll at least 20 percent of those children who were out of school at the time of beginning of the project by the end of the project, to increase pass rate in selected schools by 10 percent, to improve good governance and to decrease dropout and class repetition rate in the project schools. A set of activities had been made to achieve the objectives. This project has been completed in last September 2016 with the achievement of most of the targets. Now, for further specific intervention to improve learning achievement of children of public schools in Dhanusha, the second phase has been extended.   


Phase II

Second phase of the Dhanusha project-promoting quality education for girls and marginalized children in Terai (Dhanusha), now named as the 'Nik Kshya Dia' has been started from September 2016; this project runs for three years from this date. 45 public schools and 5 Madarsha have been selected as the target schools for the specific intervention. This second phase is the consortium project between the PAC Nepal, Asman Nepal and The Education Journalists' Group (EJGF). Among the implementing partners, Aasman Nepal involves for class room intervention, PAC Nepal for the community mobilization and the Education Journalists Group for the Media mobilization. As the media mobilization part, EJG explores the news, case studies, views and positive perspectives according to the mission of the project through its radio program (Janaki Fm, Dhanusha) and mass reporting through the local as well as the national media.     





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